Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Great quote for the day

"I have become deeply burdened concerning the flagrant sin in the body of Christ. And yet, to some, church discipline is considered mean and insensitive. In the name of grace, we have sanctioned ungodliness. I want you to think about that...in the name of grace--a perverted view of grace in my estimation--we have sanctioned ungodly behavior.

We're becoming increasingly spiritually impotent and are not taken seriously by an unbelieving world because what we talk about--the power of God to change lives--is not represented in our own lives....the forgiveness of God is predicated on repentance.

We need to be repentant. We need to be people who reflect the honor and glory of God. We need to seek to pursue holiness as a standard and not use the grace of God as camouflage to cover over a heart that doesn't really seek God or just wants God to come alongside to endorse who we are.

Too may Christians have settled for a nice, comfortable, predictable Christianity. We don't want to be viewed a different or distinct, so we're comfortable with reflecting the average Christian life. however, in our desire to be seen as normal to those around us, we're in danger of losing the luster and compelling brilliance of an authentic Christian life.

I believe we have to be terribly careful about what we project. We're living in a Christian culture that says, "hey look, you need to be warm, friendly, and like the people around you." I'm not suggesting that we look weird an act strange, but there is a difference about us. There's something distinct about us, and that distinctiveness needs to be demonstrated and shown in our lives. God is looking for an uncommon commitment beyond the ordinary."

Crawford Loritts


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